Sunday, March 10, 2013

Fortune Rice Bran Health oil helps you cook delicious Chicken Masala without any hassles!!

Well, when it comes to chicken dishes people always tend to think that recipe prepared at home can not be as good as what they serve in restaurants. In some cases yes, the amount of masala used along with other ingredients are the important factors while preparing any chicken dish. However, the kind of oil used in the cooking the dish really makes the difference.

I am going to give you the recipe of home made chicken dish that will give you the taste better than any chicken dish you prefer to eat in your favorite restaurant. This has been achieved with help of Fortune Rice Bran Health oil which made the entire difference to the recipe. 

Chicken Masala cooked with Fortune Rice Bran Health oil 

What all you will need  -

1 kg medium sized chopped chicken pieces (This will serve 4 to 5 ppl)
4 Table spoon of Fortune Rice Bran Health oil 
4 medium sized onions
1 teaspoon cumin seeds
Ginger-garlic-green chilly paste
5-6 Tomatoes
garam masala
Bay leaves (Tej patta)
Black pepper
1 teaspoon  turmeric
Red chilly powder


  • Heat 4 tablespoon of Fortune Rice Bran Health oil in a vessel. Keep flames at medium level for 5 minutes.
  • Add cumin seeds into the vessel.
  • Then add finely chopped onions. Mix well until golden brown. 
  • Add ginger-garil-green chilly paste. 
  • Now add 1/2 tsp red chilly powder. 
  • Mix well and after 2 minutes add tomatoes (make sure they are red and ripe). 
  • Stir again for 2 mins and then cover it with a lid. Let it cook in slow flame for 10 mins. 

Open the lid and now crush the tomatoes with the spatula (as in there shouldn't be any tomato lumps). Now add the chicken pieces. Mix the chicken and all the ingredients together. This step will give the color to the chicken. Mixing well is the key. Cover it again and let it cook for 10 mins on slow flame.

Now open the lid, mix again and make sure the chicken is nearly dry as in the water released by chicken n tomato should have been evaporated. Now add all the dry masalas — salt, turmeric, red chilly powder, garam masala, dhaniya powder, whole garam masala i.e black pepper, dal cheeni, cloves, 1 to 2 elaichi, bay leaves and coriander. 

Now mix well so the color is set. You will notice some oil in the chicken then cover it with a lid.  Now, on the lid pour some water and let it cook for 15 mins on slow flame. Remove the lid and your chicken masala is ready. 

Garnish with coriander.

Thanks Fortune Rice Bran Health oil for making it the most delicious chicken masala recipe ever!!

This post is a part of Healthy & Tasty recipe contest with Fortune Rice Bran Health &